ethel_aardvark (ethel_aardvark) wrote,


yay stuff.

another annoying article about how terrible it is that small babies are in daycare.

Perhaps someone should instead muse about how terrible it is that we only have 14 weeks paid parental leave instead of say six months.

Perhaps someone should muse about the costs of accommodation which have risen rapidly over the last six years in this country which mean that people don't have the means to stay at home with their kids.

Or could muse about the complete separation between the adult and child world in our society which makes it harder to combine work and family and probably is the cause of a lot of teenage misery because they're placed firmly on the child side.

but no. It's much easier to prompt outrage by writing a facile article like this.

Example of annoying sentence:
"They see that as an economic necessity," Dr Angus said. "It's been seen as economically good for the household."
personally I *do* think it's good for the household if we pay the mortgage and our son has a roof over his head. It's not like most parents are just going back to work for the sake of buying gewgaws.

But hey stuff thinks it's important for my kid to not be in care so I'll just stay at home for the sake of the kid. Though how long we have a home is up for debate and I'm sure it's great for the wellbeing of my baby to be homeless. yeah.

another annoying sentence:
"Getting more kids into childcare is in the interests of providers and in the interests of government advisers who think it will increase productivity in New Zealand to have skilled women return to the workforce quite early on," he said.
Note that it talks about skilled women returning to the workforce - do fathers even exist in stuff-land? certainly not if they might stay at home and actually well i don't know look after their kids or something.

I could go on but instead I'm going to have breakfast and get ready for work so we can pay the mortgage and the electricity bill. Disclaimer: Owen will be looked after by his daddy all day who will feed him food bought with the money that is 'economically good for our household'.

  • Hullo!

    Richard commented the other day that he flicked to my blog now and then but all that was there was my rant about Plunket Line! So here's something…

  • Plunketline

    I am really never ever going to ring them again - the first time I talked to them they judged me and the second time I rang up they hung up on me.…

  • And in other news

    I spilt tea on my computer last night and the delete key and two of the arrow keys no longer work. Sigh.

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